Today’s businesses generate more data than ever before, and constantly create databases packed with client information that requires the utmost privacy and protection. System failures can cost small businesses an enormous sum of money to recapture lost data and salvage private information. Every business needs to make data protection a priority, and it can’t be emphasized enough that this is one of the most important investments you can make to protect your company.
Contact Us! 856-719-1955

VMX Technologies has extensive experience in developing robust data backup and disaster recovery systems to ensure your technology is always secure and running at optimal efficiency. Don’t just settle for buying an off-the-shelf data backup and disaster recovery solution when VMX Technologies can design a system that perfectly suits the unique needs of your business, with back-ups performed both on-site and off-site. A custom data backup and disaster recovery plan will not only capture maximum performance from your technology and dramatically reduce your IT spending, but it is also a key factor in mitigating insurance premiums. Once VMX Technologies has created a comprehensive data backup and disaster recover plan for you, we submit it to your insurance provider to demonstrate the value of your comprehensive preparation. After all, you can never be too prepared for the unexpected.
Choose VMX Technologies as your Data Backup & Disaster Recovery partner, and keep your business SAFE!