Cloud computing – it’s such a buzz word in the IT world. But what does it exactly mean? “The cloud” refers to servers that are accessed over the Internet (not built into your computer), and the files, databases, software, and applications that are stored on those servers. When you use the cloud, your computer communicates with a network of servers. Some of the servers are designated for storage, while others use their computing power to run applications. “Cloud computing” refers to the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power. Overall, a business’s cloud strategy determines where your data and systems will live.
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Why would your business want to move to a cloud system?
- A Cloud System helps COLLABORATION. A cloud system allows work to be accessed from multiple devices and from anywhere, which in turn makes it much easier for teams to collaborate on shared data. Its flexibility allows for efficiency gains and improved employee mobility.
- A Cloud System is ADAPTABLE. As a business grows and expands, utilizing a cloud system helps a business to pace their hardware investment and avoid big up-front capital expenses.
- A Cloud System is FLEXIBLE. You don’t have to migrate all your files and databases to a cloud system right away. You can have a hybrid model where you have new projects in the cloud and legacy files and data on your own servers.
VMX Technologies provides extensive cloud services, including implementation/ adoption planning, configuration, optimization, security, migration, and maintenance. When we design a customized cloud strategy for your business, we recommend the best way to integrate your business’s hardware, software and network infrastructures to make the most resourceful use of a cloud-based system. By managing all applications and servers in a central data center, the efficiencies of scale turn into cost efficiencies for you.
Choose VMX Technologies as your Cloud Strategies partner, and keep your business EFFICIENT!