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Don’t Leave Your Business Open to Cyber Attacks

Simple Steps Businesses Can Take to Protect Themselves from Cyber Crime

“When the World Wide Web launched almost 20 years ago, it generated a lot of buzz about how it would revolutionize the way we do business, but many questioned whether these projections were
fact or just grand words.

Today, few can argue that the Internet has transformed business operations. For example, it has changed the way we share information, talk to employees, advertise jobs and sell services and merchandise to customers. It has opened the door to resources from all over the word. It has
become such an essential tool for business success that few can afford not to have a Web presence.

But the Internet has done more than change the way we work; it changed the way criminals commit crimes. Cyber criminals view the Internet as a tool they can use to launch daily cyber attacks such as computer viruses, worms, spam, phishing and identity theft, and the Web presence that businesses need to be successful is what makes them vulnerable to these attacks.”

Published with permission from Source.