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5 Things to Love about Windows 7

5 things to loveThe recent release of Windows 7 has seen much more good than bad – which cannot be said for its predecessor, Windows Vista. Even in the early stages of testing, many were impressed with the improvements Microsoft included in this relatively early upgrade to its OS, and many were hopeful that this time around, Windows would not be such a pain to use. And they were not disappointed.

Here are a few things you’ll love about Windows 7:

1. Faster boot up times

Vista was plagued with slow boot times, owing to its demand for high-end hardware in order to function smoothly. Windows 7, on the other hand, does more with less.

2. Lighter spec requirements

Speaking of hardware requirements and more for less, Windows 7 needs less power from your rig to function properly. This means that even hardware systems with bareback specs can run Windows 7 decently.

3. A new taskbar

The new taskbar is a combination of the old taskbar and the quick-launch icons of previous instalments. Frequently used programs are pinned as icons onto the taskbar, and can be used as both a launcher and as a preview for any running windows under that program.

4. File organization

The file system in Windows 7 is more unified now, and enables you to group similar programs together regardless of which hard disk it lives on.

5. Less nagging

One of the most annoying features of Windows Vista was the perpetual reminders about this and that mundane task. Windows 7 lets you configure the warnings to pop up only for issues you feel are important. UAC (User Account Control) also adopts this principle, eliminating that annoying Vista permissions window that popped up even for the most ordinary procedure.

Published with permission from Source.